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Monday, March 16, 2020

Coronavirus Quarantine Devotion 1

Passage to Ponder: Psalm 106  

Save us, O LORD our God! Gather us back from among the nations, so we can thank your holy name and rejoice and praise you. -Psalm 106:47 (NLT)

   Many of you are aware that I like to cook and find it relaxing. Today, as I spend more time than usual at home, I am going to make a couple of pumpkin pies. There is a very specific reason I am making the traditional Thanksgiving dessert instead of my favorite pecan pie recipe. As my family gathers for supper tonight, I want us to focus on giving thanks to God for His blessings on us! 

   What blessings? While many are living in fear and panic, I am thankful that my God has this disease covered! My God is not taken by surprise! My God has promised to always be with me and my family! As the old saying goes, “I don’t know what tomorrow may hold, but I know Who holds tomorrow!” I am thankful that my family is together (many right now need our prayers and support as they are separated from loved ones). I am thankful that while we may not have all we want; we have what we need to endure this temporary trial. 

   I encourage each of you to meditate on Psalm 106. Trust in the Lord to save us and gather His people from among the nations. Give thanks to His holy name…rejoice and praise Him! God has gifted His people with an opportunity to demonstrate our love for Jesus, our love for one another, and our love for our neighbors. 

May I be so bold as to give you a "to do" list for today? 
  1. Give thanks to God! Pray and ask for His mercy on you, your family, and your neighbors. 

  2. Get in touch with your neighbors and those you know who might be alone in this frightening time. Set up routine contact with them to check on their well being and to see if there is anything they need? 

  3. Make a decision to be “salt and light” in your circle of influence. 

Pastor Larry

(This is from a series of devotionals written during our time of restricted meetings and activities due to the coronavirus.)

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