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Friday, April 3, 2020

Quarantine Devotional – Day 19

Passage to Ponder: Exodus 20:1-20

“Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the LORD your God is giving you.” --Exodus 20:12 (NLT)

 What did you have for breakfast this morning? I pulled out the milk from the refrigerator to put on some cereal and saw that the expiration date was today. There was more milk than I would use in a bowl of cereal. During this time of minimized shopping, we are being extra careful to not let food go to waste. My brain immediately went to WWMD?what would Mom do? How would my Mom salvage this milk from spoiling? So, I found myself reaching for the cooking oil, flour, salt, and pepper. I had bread with cream gravy for breakfast a few minutes later. Thanks, Mom, for teaching me how to cook! My wife cooks just fine, but I learned to cook from a lady that could have her own television cooking show themed on southern comfort food. I learned the lessons well. All you need do is look at me and you know I can cook! It is generally true that you can’t trust a skinny cook!

  I have made some jokes about hunting for squirrels in my yard if things get too tough. Squirrels are excellent table fare and I grew up eating them. Yet, the reality is that I would be able to feed my family with hunting, fishing, and gardening skills my father has taught me. I think it was their common sense that helped me make sure my family was supplied weeks before most people began panic buying. The point I am trying to make is that my mother and father passed along their skills and knowledge to me. I am very grateful for that!  All that is of any value in me is due to their love and nurturing.

  The 5th of the Ten Commandments is to “Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the LORD your God is giving you.” There are many ways you can honor your parents. First (and easiest), is to simply tell them how much you appreciate what they have done for you. If your parents are still alive, you need to do that! Second, if your parents are in need it is time for you step up and do what you can to take care of them! Third, whether your parents are still alive or have passed on to the next life, all of us can honor our parents by carrying their legacies to the next generation. And fourth, we honor our parents when we heed their wisdom and advice. They are ahead of us on life’s road and can see our blind spots. This 5th commandment even comes with a promise: you will live longer if you listen to your parents!

  Now, let me make an extension of this commandment to honor your parents. I think we ought to treat all the older people in our lives with love, respect, and dignity—even those who may not deserve it!  This coronavirus is a great threat to those who are senior citizens, especially ones with underlying health conditions. We can honor our parents and all the older people in our lives by making it a personal mission to watch out for them. Ask yourself… “How can I help them limit their exposure to this virus? Are they doing well? When was the last time I checked on them? Do they need any supplies I can get? While I am plugged in to various social media platforms, are they unfamiliar/intimidated with the technology causing them to feel even more isolated? Are they lonely during this quarantine? What can I do to show my love and care?”

  We owe this to our parents, grandparents, older church family, older neighbors, and the stranger down the street. How will you honor them during this crisis?

Pastor Larry

(This is from a series of devotionals written during our time of restricted meetings and activities due to the coronavirus.)

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